Anti-Age Aftershave Balsam - 75 ml
- Lieferzeit: 1 - 3 Werktage

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ab 90 CHF
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The Anti-Age Aftershave Balm from Aurodhea is perfect after shaving. Panthenol and menthol provide soft and smooth skin and have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Allantoin has a calming and regenerating effect, moisturizes the skin, and promotes collagen production. Aloe vera additionally supports the skin-soothing and moisturizing effect and, in combination with vitamin E, provides an anti-age effect.
Der Anti-Age Aftershave Balsam von Aurodhea eignet sich perfekt nach der Rasur. Panthenol und Menthol sorgen für weiche und geschmeidige Haut und wirken beruhigend und entzündungshemmend.